- SIZE: 1
- BREED: Pomeranian
- COLOR(S):All colors and patterns are approved.
The Pomeranian is a tiny, fluffy dog. Some have faces that breeders liken to a fox; others have baby-doll or "pansy" faces. The Pomeranian is a natural extrovert enjoying the company of human or canine companionship making it one of the most popular Toy breeds. This dog adores being pampered and petted. It is active and playful. This affectionate and faithful little dog makes an excellent companion.
The Pomeranian is a lively, intelligent little dog; it is eager to learn. This breed is very loyal to its handler and family. It is willful, bold and sometimes temperamental. This dog is alert, curious and busy; one of the most independent of the Toy breeds. It is not recommended for very young children; too much attention from children can make this dog nervous and it may become snappish. However, it can get along well with older, well-behaved children. It makes a good companion for an elderly person. Socialization and obedience training at an early age are important. This breed needs a firm, consistent hand. It must know the owner is the boss, or it will not listen. This breed may become too demanding if the owner allows it. It usually gets along with other dogs and household animals, but some of them seem to think they are much larger than they actually are and do not hesitate to attack much bigger dogs. It tends to be reserved and bark at strangers excessively. It makes an excellent watchdog. It is proud and happy, good at learning tricks; it makes a superior circus performer. The breed\'s docile temper, affectionate nature, and vivacity and spirit endear it to many. As long as there is a small yard for the Pomeranian to play in, it will get enough exercise on its own, but it can walk a longer distance without becoming over-tired and would greatly enjoy a long walk. It may be a picky eater. Some of the breed‘s talents include: watchdogging, agility and performing tricks.
Long, straight and harsh with a soft, fluffy undercoat. It should be brushed frequently. If you work from the head, parting the coat and brushing it forward, it will fall neatly back in place. Dry shampoo when necessary. This breed is a constant shedder.
Pomeranians are prone to dislocated patella (knee-cap), slipped stifle, heart problems, eye infections, skin irritations and tooth decay and early loss. It is recommended that they are fed dry dog food or crunchy milk bones daily to help keep the teeth and gums in good condition. Newborn Pom puppies are very tiny and fragile.
Poms need a daily walk. Play will take care of a lot of their exercise needs, however, as with all breeds, play will not fulfill their primal instinct to walk. Dogs who do not get to go on daily walks are more likely to display behavior problems. They will also enjoy a good romp in a safe open area off lead, such as a large fenced in yard.
Because most humans treat this tiny canine in such a manner that the dog does not see them as pack leader, they are not recommended for children. However, if a Pom is given rules to follow, limits as to what they are allowed to do, daily pack walks and a calm, self-assured pack leader who displays confident assertion towards the dog, this can be a well rounded, mentally stable, trustworthy, wonderful family companion. Because of its size, it can make a good companion for an elderly person.