Iceland Sheepdog
- SIZE: 3
- BREED: Iceland Sheepdog
- COLOR(S):Wheaten, black, or wolf grey.
The Icelandic Sheepdog, or Iceland Dog, is the Iceland\'s only native breed, and almost Iceland\'s only breed. After the Iceland Sheepdog suffered a bout with distemper and tapeworms in the late 1800s, a ban on all mammals was issued for Iceland. Healthy today, the Icelandic Sheepdog is a small, furry sheepdog used for herding, guarding and as a working dog. They are a progenitor of the Norwegian Buhund, and are the basic Spitz-type breed. They have a plumed tail carried over the back, with short legs and a foxy expression. Their muzzles are often darker than the rest of their bodies, and some have black markings above their eyes like eyebrows. They are quite fluffy, and can come in colors of wheaten, black, wolf sable, "dirty" white, all white, or with a symmetrical white. They are strong, agile and make noise when they want something. Icelandic Sheepdogs in the past have barked at sheep if they don\'t move, and therefore bark whenever they want something. They are lively, active dogs that are affectionate and loyal. They do not wander or hunt. Icelandic Sheepdogs like close contact with their families, and do not like to leave them. They are friendly, alert and relatively easy to care for. Lacking in maintenance and loaded with love, the Iceland Sheepdog is the ultimate companion and friend.
Icelandic Sheepdogs are lively, active and intelligent. They are loyal to their owners and do not like to leave their sides. They are gentle in nature, and cheerful with children. They are peppy and confident, enthusiastic when working. They are playful and loving, but needing firm discipline. They are quite clean animals, and are used as watchdogs because of their alertness.
Icelandic Sheepdogs\' coats are thick, coarse, medium length and stand off. Some have longer coats than others. Both are dense and waterproof, with a thick undercoat. It is its longest at the neck, back of legs, and the tail. The Iceland Dog is relatively easy to take care of. They have the same cleanliness as the Buhund, with an easily cared for coat. Brushing every week will suffice. Their dewclaws should be clipped regularly, as they will grow to large lengths because they cannot reach the ground.
Iceland Dogs are normally healthy, although a health concern to this breed may be hip dysplasia.
Iceland Dogs should also be exercised efficiently. A play session or long walk daily is best. They need an activity or daily exercise to stay in shape.
Icelandic Sheepdogs should be trained firmly but kindly from puppyhood. They should be socialized as well. They are still developing mentally at the age of 18 months.