Finnish Spitz

  • SIZE: 3
  • GROOMING:: 5
  • BREED: Finnish Spitz
  • COLOR(S):Shades of reddish gold from dark auburn to pale honey. May have a white patch on chest.


 The Finnish Spitz, or Finsk Spets, is the national dog of Finland. They are an independent, reserved, cautious and sometimes aloof breed. This does not, however, overshadow their friendly and loyal nature towards their family. As they were bred to be hunters, they need to be kept in a secure fenced yard or else they may go off on a hunting expedition. Finnish Spitzes are sensitive and strong minded, but also loyal to their human family. They especially love being with children. They are intelligent, sturdy, and easy to care for. They have often been described as "catlike" in cleanliness. They have a happy temperament, and are still used today for hunting in Finland. Finnish Spitz have been described as showing "devotion and self-sacrificing faithfulness." They are said to be courageous and selfless, but at the same time demand reward at a job well done. They do very well under poor circumstances with their owner, but alone in a kennel they become depressed and unhealthy. Finnish Spitz are largely used for hunting birds, especially the capercaillie, a large bird of Finland. They are a small to medium sized dog, making up for size with their loud bark. They are reddish brown and gold in color, and have prick ears that are a trademark of the Spitz. Their tails curl over their backs, touching the outer thigh of one side. A favorite hunting dog of the Finns, the Finnish Spitz is very popular as a companion in other countries. 


 Finnish Spitz are lively, vocal, and energetic. They are active dogs, loving to run free from a leash. They have a recognizable personality, satisfied with their owners and dissatisfied when left alone. They can become depressed and unusable when left to a kennel. Finnish Spitz are intelligent, obedient, but stubborn at times. They love to play with children, and sometimes outsmart their masters. They are affectionate and self-willed. They are loyal and friendly to their family, but cautious of new situations. They have been described as catlike in their cleanliness. 


 The Finnish Spitz double coat should be brushed once or twice a week, more when shedding. Shedding occurs twice a year. They do not have a doggy odor and should only be bathed when necessary. 


 Typically a very healthy breed, they are sometimes prone to hip & elbow dysplasia, luxating patellas, obesity, epilepsy and heart problems. 


 Enjoys short daily walks, but loves the outdoors and the ability to run free. 


 Requires patience and understanding when training as they have a tendency to be stubborn. Need to be trained not to bark incessantly, and not to bark unnecessarily. They need more positive reinforcement than punishment, and can easily become bored with repetitive tasks. Training should be short sessions that go straight to the point.