Puppies For Sale

The Schapendoes, is a friendly, high-strung breed native to the Netherlands. They are large sized dogs with a lot of shaggy fur, but a demeanor that is quite welcoming. Schapendoes are intelligent, lively and courageous, and used to be known as a dog of commoners. For this reason, the Schapendoes was never over-bred, and retains almost no health problems. A Schapendoes is longer than it is tall, with medium length drop ears, a long tail, and long shaggy fur. They have a wide skull and short muzzle. They have large round eyes that are often covered in a brow of fur. The coat is slightly clumpy, thick and wavy. They have long feathering on the ears and tail as well. Schapendoes are brave, independent and can sometimes be stubborn. They make a playful and affectionate companion, however, and have been adored for their ruffled, unkempt look. They have served well as a sheepdog, and have been referred to as the Dutch Sheepdog, distinguished from the Dutch Shepherd. Schapendoes are cheerful as well as hardy, and make a great contribution to a rough-and-tumble type of family.
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