We also have a solid silver male and solid silver female, a silver phantom male, a silver sable male, and silver/white tuxedo females.

Please visit our website at SilverCoastPoodles.com for more information and photos of all the puppies.
...and videos are regularly uploaded to our youtube channel -> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcm8tSRvEiQnd08JQqAuMHQ " /> Sell Puppies Online 🐶 - Puppies Near You for Sale | Pawbe 🐾

We also have a solid silver male and solid silver female, a silver phantom male, a silver sable male, and silver/white tuxedo females.

Please visit our website at SilverCoastPoodles.com for more information and photos of all the puppies.
...and videos are regularly uploaded to our youtube channel -> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcm8tSRvEiQnd08JQqAuMHQ " />

Dog Breed Ad View


  • BREED: Poodle - Standard
  • GENDER: 1male(s) and 0female(s)
  • AVAILABILITY DATE: 2016-09-01
  • PRICE: $1100
  • LOCATION: Humboldt to Santa Rosa
  • COLOR: Silver Sable
  • BuyersProtect Yourself

This gorgeous pup is full of confidence and has a lot of character.
If I could have another dog, I would keep this boy!
This puppy is super fun and very intelligent!
He likes to interact with his siblings and is the first to pull out the toys - he has even brought toys over to me asking to play. He is not shy at all and will run right up to you and jump around playfully at your feet.
He is smart and does a good job of communicating with us, he was the first to que me about an empty water dish by pawing at the bowl then barking at me- which just indicates to me that he will love advanced training when he gets older. He is always trying to give me his paw or bow at me which is body language for "play with me".

We also have a solid silver male and solid silver female, a silver phantom male, a silver sable male, and silver/white tuxedo females.

Please visit our website at SilverCoastPoodles.com for more information and photos of all the puppies.
...and videos are regularly uploaded to our youtube channel -> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcm8tSRvEiQnd08JQqAuMHQ