Dog Breed Ad View
- BREED: Pomeranian
- GENDER: 3male(s) and 1female(s)
- PRICE: $2200
- LOCATION: Midland
- COLOR: Cream, Merle, Red sable
- BuyersProtect Yourself
- Owner does not wish to be contacted.
- Current Puppies For Sale
Minx was born Feb 10th at 11:57 am, she will be available to go to her new home April 6th. She is a sable red with a black tail and chin. First set of shots were received March 25th and she weighed in at 2.15 lbs, trending to be about 9 lbs full size. Minx is an absolute sweetheart and very curious of the world around her. She would love to just be a teddy bear and get belly rubs all day long.rnrnLion was born Feb 10th at 12:17 pm, he will be available to go to his new home April 6th. He is a sable red with a black tipped ears, black tail and snout. First set of shots were received March 25th and he weighed in at 1.69 lbs, trending to be about 7 lbs full size. Lion is a rambunctious little man that loves to play, but loves to cuddle more. He is the second smallest of the litter and has the thickest fluffiest coat. He definitely lives up to his name.rnrnFrosty was born Feb 10th at 2:15 pm, he will be available to go to his new home April 6th. He is cream and white. First set of shots were received March 25th and he weighed in at 1.87 lbs, trending to be about 8 lbs full size. Frosty is a little shy at first but he really comes out of his shell once he is comfortable with you. He is definitely the most cautious of the litter, but once he opens up he’s a real sweetheart that thinks ears are snacks. rnrnPotato was born Feb 10th at 1:51 pm, he will be available to go to his new home April 6th. He is a merle with some very interesting coloration. First set of shots were received March 25th and he weighed in at 1.43 lbs, trending to be about 6 lbs full size. He is the smallest of the litter. Potato is an absolute ham that loves to be held and close at all times. Being the smallest he’s definitely a momma’s boy that would love to constantly be loved and spoiled. He really is a cute as a button and no pictures seem to do him justice. rnrnAll puppies are very well socialized with humans, dogs and cats. Both parents on site as well as a sibling from a previous litter. Father is a red and mother is a sable merle.