Dog Breeds

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

 The Staffordshire Terrier is a very muscular, stocky, yet agile dog. It is extremely strong for its size. It has a broad, powerful head, short muzzle, and very strong jaws. The Staffordshire Terrier is powerful, reliable, and very protective. With its own family it is devoted, gentle and loving. This dog is courageous and a tenacious fighter if provoked. Training can be a challenge because of its pushy yet sensitive character. Its natural temperament towards people is gentle and loving, unfortunately some have been improperly handled giving the Staffordshire Terrier a bad rap. It should never be confused with the Pit Bull Terrier. Classed by AKC as " Staffordshire Terrier" and by UKC as "Pit Bull Terrier." The Staffordshire Terrier, is generally of larger bone structure, head size and weight then its cousin the Pit Bull Terrier. 

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