Dog Breeds

Saint Bernard

 The Saint Bernard is a very large, strong, muscular, powerful dog. As long as the weight stays in proportion with the height, the taller the dog the more prized. This breed has been used as an avalanche and rescue dog in the snowy passes near the Hospice. This amazing servant of mankind has saved more than 2,000 people. It has a highly developed sense of smell and also seems to have a sixth sense about impending danger from storms and avalanches (perhaps it may hear very low frequency sounds that are beyond our ability to hear). There are two varieties: short-haired and long-haired; the short-haired variety is more often used for mountain work because it can tolerate cold temperatures while the long-haired variety's coat tends to collect icicles. This dog can find a person even under many feet of snow. Some of this breed's talents are: search & rescue, watchdogging and carting.

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