Puppies For Sale

The Chinook is a distinct American breed of sled dog, with the tremendous power and endurance of the larger Alaskan freighting husky combined with the speed of the smaller Siberian husky used on the tundra. Chinooks are medium to large sized dogs, with a tawny coat and often black on muzzle, around the eyes and ears. They have a medium length double coat that is dense, soft and light in color. An old line of Chinook produced drop ears, which still survives today, but the erect ears are becoming more common. The breed has a saber-like tail, with furry feet which are webbed. Chinooks are said to be extremely good in endurance, strength and speed. They were bred for sledding, and have proven their abilities in the past. In 1940, the breed was challenged to prove its worthiness over the Malamute, Eskimo and Husky sled dog breeds. The sled was to drive 502 miles in Maine, with 800 lbs. of equipment, as well as a 13-year old boy. In 90 hours, the seven-dog-team arrived at their goal without one dog limping, as well as all of the dogs in excellent shape - some had even gained weight! A large working dog capable of pulling light to heavy loads, the Chinook exemplifies a sound athlete.
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